MouSing is a small application based on the Theremin instrument principle, which uses the position of the mouse over the screen to generate a sound of different frequency and volume. Upper mouse movements will increase the volume; lower mouse movements will decrease the volume; right mouse movements will increase the frequency and left mouse movements will decrease the sound frequency.
At the bottom of the main window the program shows the frequency and the musical note which are being played.
There are three ways to use the program, you can use a wave sound, a midi-based instrument, or a DirectSound, each element is arranged in a different tab. In the Wave tab you can adjust the volume, pitch, vibrato, and timbre. In the Midi tab you can use six different midi instruments, adjust the pitch bend, set the low and high pitch, and adjust the volume. In the DirectSound tab you can adjust the pitch timbre, and volume.
In the Options window you can adjust the sample rate, select the channels, and set the resolution for the wave sound; you can also select the MIDI output driver.